
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

O Brother

I wanted to post a pic of the girls
in costume, but we are not allowed to take
flash photos during the performance,
and somehow in the heat of the moment I
forgot to take my camera downstairs to the
dressing room.

Consequently, my best photos are on
my phone.
But I don't know how to get my photos
OFF my phone, unless I'm posting to fb.

So ...
here is a pic of just a few of them during
one of our dress rehearsals.
It's enough to give you the gist:

Here are a few other pics I took during
that same dress rehearsal.
Keep in mind, the studio is big enough
so that the girls know exactly where they need 
to be to dancing and not fall off the stage,
but when we moms come in to watch,
we are pressed up against the wall and the girls
are literally less than an arm's length
away from our faces.

Just so you know why my photos aren't great.
Just sayin'.

The song is a mix from the movie,
O Brother, Where Art Thou

 Peace and First Place Trophies

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