
Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Witch Door Greeter

Oh, my gosh! I have been painting up a storm
and I have soooo many projects to share with you!!!

I'm currently working on about twenty-five
projects ... simultaneously.  Which means I'm jonesing
for my immediate gratification!!  A day (or even
two) may pass without my completing a single project,
and then ... voila!!  Twenty-five projects completed at once.

Anyway ... this project is something I decided
to make WHILE I was recycling last year's craft show
snowmen into scarecrows and Santas:

I'm missing approximately 60 photos that I took
with my phone, that didn't automatically update to
my Google album.  I'm not sure how to fix
that at the moment, so please excuse the steps
not accompanied by photos.  :)

Last year's snowmen,
with all accessories removed:

Jump forward to base coating a 1" plug nose
and the face with purple acrylic paint,
the top and bottom base coated black
then coated with black glitter paint:

Use eyebrows and a crooked smile
to make these Witches happy!

 Here's a neat trick to give
your witch face a wart (or two!):

I've been calling these carpet tacks.
Clearly I've been wrong all these years.
It says so right on the package:
What evs.

Painting a spiderweb is simple!
Pick a starting point to be your vertex
and paint diagonal straight lines outward like so:

Ugh!! Seriously??
I'm having flash issues with
all my pics now.
~ Big Frown :( ~
Next, connect the diagonal lines with
short curved lines:

At this point I sealed the paint with
a satin finish acrylic sealer.

Next, I painted wood star cutouts
with orange and green paint, and then
coated them with orange and green
glittery paint:

To finish, tie a large scrap of black tulle
around the picket at the top
of the witch's face:

Use hot glue to attach the tulle knot
to the picket, and to attach the
glittery painted star to the tulle:

I took the extra precaution
of tapping a 5/8" nail into the center
of the star to secure it.

Now prop this Happy Witch by your
front door to greet Trick-or-Treaters!!!

Aw! Now that I look at her, she
needs a little something more.  Hmm.
Also, I wish I had corrected the
flash on these pics ...
I'm getting wrinkles having to squint
my eyes to see her face.

Oh! I also made some miniature Witches!!

I snipped the prongs off of
some eyeball brads and hot glued
them to the bows.
Hee Hee

Made some Frankenmonsters, too:


~ Peace and Happy Halloween Characters ~

1 comment:

  1. Cute, Clever redo of the snowman leftover from the show. Never considered pickets for oversized Halloween decor. Glad to hear you are so busy


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