
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ladybug Reindeer

What do you get when you
cross a ladybug with two cacti?

A reindeer, of course!
Well, a reindeer made from
pre-cut wooden shapes, anyway.

For this reindeer ornament,
you'll need (1) 2" ladybug shape,
(2) 1.25" cacti shapes,
(1) 4" length of ribbon,
acrylic paints in Honey Brown,
Chocolate, Tuscan Red, Black, White,
One Step Crackle,
Gel Stain, a Multi-Purpose Sealer,
and Extreme Glitter Hologram.
(or Extreme Glitter Red, but I was out).

Paint the following:
Cacti - Honey Brown
Ladybug Body - Chocolate
Ladybug Head - Tuscan Red

Brush a generous coat of
One Step Crackle onto the cacti
and allow to dry thoroughly.
Apply Gel Stain and wipe off with
a clean, dry rag.
The gel stain works its way into
the tiny little cracks made
by the One Step Crackle ...

See the tiny crackles??
I Love it!!

Apply Extreme Glitter Hologram
generously over the Reindeer nose.
(Previously referred to as the "Ladybug Head")

Next, cross ribbon ends to form
a loop for hanging.

Attach the ribbon to the back
of the reindeer head with
a hot glue gun:

Attach the two cacti to the
back of the reindeer head;
it's fine if the cacti overlap the
ribbon, that will help keep it in place.

I dipped a paintbrush handle into
white paint to dot the eyes.
Once it was completely dry, I
added black dots to the eyes.

I brushed Multi-Purpose Sealer
over the entire piece.

NOTE: I almost always paint the backs
of my ornaments, but since I was
going to use hot glue to attach the antlers,
I wanted a good adhesion so I
left the back of this ornament unpainted.
Just keepin it real.
Sometimes those boogers fall off,
and we don't want any of that going on,
am I right??

Up next: I have eighty ornaments
to make for classrooms this year.

(that's an 8 and a 0
it's also 10 times 8, or
8 times 10, or 20 times 4, or
4 kids times 20 students per
classroom.  And, I should probably do
a recount before I get started.
Cuz I'm pretty sure I heard about
new students somewhere).

What kind of ornament do I want to
make in bulk?  I want the ornament to
be special for the kids, something to bring back
(hopefully!) fond memories of elementary school.
So I'll use the school name and/or
their mascot somehow ... but, hmm ...

 Here's my 2010 design:

 Here's my design from last year:

Oh, wait! Do you hear that?
Yeah, that's Hobby Lobby calling my
name.  I'm going to have to make a trip.
No, wait.  That's my studio calling
reminding me that I have enough supplies
to make ornaments for the entire town
and I shouldn't be buying more "stuff".

Christmas Inspiration, HERE I COME!!
And I think I might just challenge myself
to make all these ornaments
with supplies I already own.
What d'ya think of that??

~ Peace and Lots of Christmas Ornaments ~

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