
Saturday, February 9, 2013

DCC Blog Hop - Handmade With Love!

~ Welcome to the February DCC Blog Hop ~
Handmade with Love!!

First of all I might as well admit
that for the past two days I've been in a frenzy
because in addition to the usual

(including but not limited to basketball, dance rehearsals, 
injuries,  cooking, cleaning, cooking, cleaning,
~ yes, I used those each twice, when frankly
using the word cooking four times per
day and the word cleaning endless times per
day would be a much more accurate
portrayal of what goes on up in here ~
supply organizing, costume making, prop
painting, driving, um ... 
did I already say cleaning??)

I've thought that I had a button project
due today. 

Turns out, now that I've finished the
button project and I'm editing photos for
the button project and I'm looking
for all the information I have to include about
the button project,
I realize that the button project isn't
due until MARCH.

So it's a good thing I have another
post ready for today.

Doc brought home a recipe the other day.
It was hand-written, from someone
at the office, and there
was no recipe title or name.
I have made this mystery recipe
seven times in seven days.

I have adjusted the amounts of
ingredients to suit
the boys' tastes.  And mine.
I might as well admit I've put on four
pounds and it's pretty clear
that this pan of deliciousness is to blame.

*Heat oven to 350 degrees.
 *Line a jelly roll pan with heavy duty
aluminum foil.
Trust me ... if you use the regular
strength foil, the caramel coated goodness
will stick to the foil and you will
have to pick and peel tiny slivers of
foil out of your snack before
you eat it.  This may or may not make
you cry, but why take that chance??

Graham Crackers
2 Sticks Unsalted Butter
1 Heaping Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 Heaping Cup Chopped Pecans

*Melt butter in saucepan on low heat.
Add brown sugar.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and
boil for 2 minutes.

Don't be discouraged when it looks like this.
Keep on stirring, and eventually
you'll get this: (which is what you want!)

Remove from heat.
*Add vanilla.
*Add the nuts.
~Since I store my nuts in the freezer
to keep them fresh,
I add the nuts and then put the pan
back on the heat and stir
for another 2 minutes.

It's going to be thick, not runny,
but adding cold nuts without putting the
mixture back on the heat just
cools the mixture and makes it really
super hard to spread.

Pour the mixture over the grahams
and spread as well as you can.
It probably won't cover the grahams
completely, but we will fix that.

Bake for five minutes,
then open the oven and use your
wooden spatula to spread the bubbly
mixture thoroughly over all the grahams.
It's MUCH easier to spread
at this point!
Bake another five minutes,
remove from oven and cool for one hour
before breaking apart and
eating the entire pan yourself.

Just kidding.
Sort of.

My boys just LOVE this tasty snack!

~ Peace Out ~

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