
Friday, March 8, 2013

DCC Blog Hop - Buttons Galore! and More

Hop through the web ring and comment
on your favorite BGM projects
to be entered for a chance to win!
BGM buttons and a container from Viewtainer
VIEWTAINER containers have clear walls, come in fun bright colors
with an easy dispensing cap and NO spilling! Proudly made in the USA!

I'll admit it ... I have a button fetish.
I LOVE buttons.
I have jars and jars of them.
I love to pour them out and sift through them.

See?  Lots of buttons.
And I couldn't have been happier or
more excited when Buttons Galore! and More sent
me some of their buttons!!
* LOVE *

The arrival of the buttons happened to
coincide with my daughter's
new earring purchase for competition dance.

(Doc and I made her wait until
after Nationals last summer to pierce
her ears, and then she had
to prove that she could take care of them.
So other than the spontaneous
purchase of birth stone mouse ears while
we were at the Happiest Place on Earth! last
summer, she hasn't been allowed
to purchase new earrings or remove hers).

She wanted to keep the earrings
in a small box so she could pour them out
and sift through them ... ah hem...
(I'm not sure where she gets that).

So I used an inexpensive wood
picture frame and a sheet of plastic canvas.
Added a little paint and glue,
and a LOT of buttons,
and ... voila!!!

She loves it.
Here's how I made it:

 I painted the frame with two coats of
acrylic paint, then sanded the edges.

Next, I arranged the first layer of buttons
onto the frame, starting with some of
the larger buttons, and attaching
them with Aleene's Tacky Glue.
 I continued around the frame with the buttons,
using some of my own stash to fill in
the blanks (since they're not as pretty as
the Buttons Galore and More buttons).

Here are the links to the BGM buttons:
I used their Stitched Buttons,
their Spring Buttons, and their Color Mixes.

 I used the cardboard insert from the frame
as a stencil for cutting the plastic
canvas to fit the frame opening.

 Insert the canvas into the frame
opening and bend the brads back to secure.

 To add extra sparkle, I randomly placed
Swarovski crystals onto the buttons,
and I brushed on a few coats of 
Extreme Glitter Hologram paint.

She loves the earring holder!
I can tell.  Every time I go into her
bedroom, the earrings are rearranged.

~ Peace and Buttons and Earrings and Stuff ;) ~


  1. There are so mnay things I love about this. The colors you use, the fact that you use it to house special jewelry for your daughther and how you added the swarovskis.

    1. Thank you, Mel! I'm happy she was excited about it - her earrings were in it before the glue had dried!!

  2. What a fabulous little project for your daughter. Love, love, love the button idea with the insert for the earrings!

    Thanks for the tutorial!

    Carmen L

  3. I really like your idea here. Going to share it with my oldest granddaughter for something she could make for her earrings.

  4. Love your button frame. Beautiful colors and details.

  5. Great idea for storing earrings, and of course can be in any colour to suit bedroom decor :-)

  6. What a cool idea Meggan! Love the earring frame...


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