
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Easy Halloween Tees!


It's been WaY too long since I last blogged,
no excuses, just one or three major life events
may or may not have occurred in quick succession
(and some concurrently);
but here I am, and I'm sharing something
that is SO typically ME!

That is, I've been agitated lately that I'm
so busy driving and cooking and cleaning and
scheduling and checking and packing
and loading and unloading and moving and
sleeping and unboxing and tidying
that I have no time for crafting!
Then as I drop the boys off at the gym
at 0700 this morning, I'm thinking
"oh my gosh, it's Halloween in two days
and I should really made the kids
a tee shirt to wear on Thursday!"
What?  Who said that?
The same person who hasn't had time to
do anything in four months and now
suddenly you want to start a complete
project and have it finished today?
Yes.  I work well under pressure.

I haven't done much sewing this year,
and it's been over ten years since I added
to my fabric stash, so I just started over.

I live fifty miles from the nearest craft store
so I was stuck with Wal-mart's scaled
down version of a craft aisle.  Seriously,
there aren't even bolts of fabric or buttons
at this Wal-mart.  Ugh.  So my selection was
beyond limited.

 I (finally) found a tee shirt for my Little girl -
not my first or my second choice,
but it will do.  I'm pretty happy with the
orange ringer tee I found for my Little boy,
but the Big boys tees are just okay.

For the witch, I made a pattern.

I have the pattern scanned, but
I don't know how to add a link for you
to be able to download it.  If you would like
the pattern, just let me know and I
will email it to you.
Also, if there are any technically savvy
readers out there that wouldn't mind giving
me a quick tutorial - I would love
to learn how to add free patterns to my
crafty posts.
I should google uploading patterns.
Anyway, I made a pocket-shaped
face, hat and hat brim, and I used four coordinating
fabrics.  Not what I had in mind when I
got this little gem of an idea five hours ago,
but here goes:
Follow the directions
on the Heat n Bond(R) Ultrahold(TM)
to cut a large background piece from the
purple print fabric.

Face is cut from green
fabric, hat from black fabric, hat brim from orange.


Instructions say to wash garment first without
fabric softener.  I did not do this.
That would not be conducive to immediate
gratification, which I so look forward to.

I used a hot iron to adhere the background
shape to the center of the tee shirt.

Guess what?  I decided to use rick-rack as
hair, and I didn't want to glue it.
So I ironed the rick-rack onto the Heat n Bond
and it worked BeAuTiFuLlY!!
Guess what else.  When I removed the 
paper backing from the adhered rick-rack,
I was able to pull on the attached Heat n Bond
and it just came right off!
I was prepared to use scissors and everything.
No need.  I love wonders.  May they
never cease.  Ever.

I attached the face, then arranged the
rick-rack hair and adhered each piece with the iron.


I added the hat, then the hat brim.
It still needed something so I cut out 
a wart and a star for the hat brim.
I have some Swarovski crystals that are
just calling out to me - they
think they would look amazing somewhere
on this cute little witch, and I agree.

PS I added the eyes and the mouth
with a black paint pen.

I rushed through the Little's shirts
because I really wanted to get this up on my blog,
but have a better plan for the Big's shirts.
I'm going to cut out all my skull pieces, use 
the hot iron to adhere them to the fabric
that I want to use as a background,
THEN I will cut around for the background shape!
I just had a little trouble with
the spacing ... and I'm a little OCD so I
can deal with it on the Little's tees but I will be
much more precise when making the Big's tees!

Make a pattern for the background piece
by tracing around the skull design and leaving
about a 1/4" space.

I used the green as the background.
As you can see, I had some difficulty getting
all my skull pieces to line up inside
the background piece.  I had to do some
trimming.  I wasn't thrilled, but it worked.

I started with the top of the skull first.
I sort of got that lined up and pressed it down,
then I added the rest of the face pieces
and each bone, trimming and pressing
one piece at a time.

Love!!  I'm going to go pack up my
crystals now and my E6000 - I'll have four hours
at dance class tonight to sit and glue on
stones to make this witch sparkle!!

Peace and Happy Halloween Tees!


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