
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Teacher's Survival Kit

 It's that time again!

School starts tomorrow for us ...
I've made up a goody for each
of our teachers and I wanted
to share my idea with you.

(If school has already started,
you could still whip these up ...
better late than never!)

Emergency Chocolate...

Those are the most important
items in this Teacher's Survival Kit!!

In addition to the jar,
you'll need spray paint for the
jar lids and rims, scrap paper in fun colors
or patterns, a hole punch, and
colored raffia or string.
Oh, and double stick tape and a
permanent marker.

Also gather the things you want to put inside
each jar.  I'm a last minute kind of girl,
so this morning I asked myself:
Self? What did you wish you had handy
when you were faced with a room
full of second graders?!
I'm sure there are
more clever items that I didn't think of!
Feel free to add or substitute.

These were my thoughts:

Soda (I couldn't fit a soda in the jar,
so I added several quarters for the soda
machine), Pain Reliever (ha!),
Minty Gum, Tums, Chapstick,
Chocolate, Almonds (for energy),
Cookies (for fun), Assorted Binder Clips
and Paper Clips (to help keep it together!),
Post It Notes, Bandages, and Hard Candies.

 I used spray paint to coat the jar rims and lids.
Once the first coat was dry, I sprayed
a coat of clear spray sealer over each piece.

Cut a large circle from patterned scrap paper
and attach to each lid with glue
or double sided sticky tape.


I created a tag for each jar:
I cut 2" squares from dark blue paper,
1.5" squares from gold paper,
and I used a permanent marker to
write: Teacher's Survival Kit on each gold square.
You could also print these and
then cut them out.  Whichever!!

I attached the squares to a pre-cut manila
tag, and wrote the teacher's name
across the bottom of the tag.  I used my
laminating machine to laminate each of these
tags, but I have also used clear contact
paper to laminate.  (Just cut two pieces of clear 
contact paper a smidgeon larger than your paper tag.
Seal the tag between the two sheets
of contact paper.  Trim edges as desired).
I tied a tag to each jar
and added a raffia bow to the neck.

Super cute!!!
I can't wait for school tomorrow!

 Peace and Emergency Chocolate ;) 

Also ... here is a quick idea for personalizing
school supplies: you know, I love using a Sharpie marker,
but by the time each of my four children has a list
twenty or more items long ... ... ...
not so much.


 I also use for personalized
Valentine's Day cards; and for my
oldest, I ordered a red sticker with
"From Brady" printed on it
and I will stick them to a zipper lock
baggie full of yummy treats.
So.  Simple. 




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