
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sneaky Peeky

 Santa's Replacement
(Sneaky Peeky)

I'm not sure if I've shared this with you,
but I "LOVE" Christmas, and I "LOVE" Santas.

So much so that I find it nearly impossible
to take my ever most favorite Santa down each year.
In fact, here he still hangs.

In August.

Also, just in case I haven't shared this with you,
I am a big fan of Immediate Gratification.

As in, once I've decided what I want to paint,
I have to make a pattern immediately.

Once my pattern is made,
I am ready to paint, and I don't want to
stop painting until I am finished;
thereby putting as few road-blocks as possible
between my design idea and my finished
product ... which gives me the feeling
of Immediate Gratification,
even if it takes hours and hours to complete.

Here's a pic of my canvas,
after applying several colors of paint:
(I will be posting step-by-step pics later)

Sometimes Doc interferes with my
Immediate Gratification process.

I was at this point in my design
when he called out it was almost time to
leave ... (and I assured him he could
go on home without me and come back
later to pick me up.  Like 2am) ...

Other times he interferes with
my creative process by insisting I have
to eat, and dragging me away
from my studio kicking and screaming.

This scenario played itself out
last night, so I had to leave my design
before I'd gotten anywhere close to
Immediate Gratification.

Here's where I left my beloved project:

There it is.
Hanging in Limbo.
Practically begging me to complete it.
Do you hear that??
It's calling me.  Come back!!
Come paint!!  I will give you a sense
of satisfaction if only you will heed my call ...

Okay, maybe that's not exactly what it's saying.

I'm off to finish it anyway!
And, I'm taking frozen burritos to stuff
in my barn refrigerator.

Just to ward off any more possible
interferences ... ... ... 

Peace and Bean Burritos

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