
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2x4 Hallween Characters

This is a quick and inexpensive Halloween craft!

You can make one of these projects
with just a 2 foot length of 2x4!!
(and a few wood shapes)

 Doc and I spent one day last weekend in the
barn playing with his new saw and
the pile of wood leftover from our barn build-out:

 You are looking at sawed, sanded, and
ready-to-paint projects-to-be right thar!!
I. Am. So. Happy.!

So here are the pieces I planned to use for this
Halloween Character Project.
It doesn't look like much yet, I know.
But can you see the potential??

Cut one each in the following lengths:
3", 5", 7", and 9" - you should
be able to get one complete set from each
2 foot length of 2x4 board.

I love it when a plan comes together
in such nice, round numbers.

There were a few sharp splintery edges,
so I used my palm sander to
smooth those down.  Also, there were
some numbers scratched on a few of these
boards, and my palm sander
made those disappear, as well.
LOVE my sander!!

 I have learned from experience that you
absolutely, positively must seal
your wood before you paint it.

Trust me.

There's nothing worse than completing a piece
and finding a day or two later that every
knot hole has "bled" through your paint.
Well, a shortage of Lemon Bars would be
worse.  But only slightly.

I used Mod Podge as my sealer.

~ I actually plan to make a dozen sets,
so I decided to purchase a gallon of 
water-based sealer from the lumber yard.
Much cheaper when painting,
uh-hem, sealing, large quantities of wood. ~

I brushed the Mod Podge onto
the fronts of each of the three shorter pieces,
and onto the front and sides of the larger
base piece.  I think some bleeding through
would enhance the rustic look,
I just don't want a big knot hole to
suddenly appear on Frankenmonster's face,
ya know what I mean??

Once the sealer had dried completely,
I painted (according to the photo)
purple (base), green (Frank), white (Mummy),
and orange (Jack-o-Lantern).

Then I used my palm sander to lightly
sand the front and sides of each
piece of wood.  I like to remove some
of the paint from the edges
so the stain will absorb into the wood.
Also, in my opinion, a project has a more "polished"
look when every side (including the back
or the bottom) is either painted or stained.

I used a sponge applicator to apply
an oil-based wood stain.

Wearing vinyl gloves, I brushed the front,
back, and all the sides of each
wood piece with the stain.

I immediately used a clean cloth to
wipe off the excess stain.
The longer you leave the stain without
wiping, the darker the stain will be.

Here's where painting multiple projects
comes in handy: drying time!
I like to stay busy, so all that time I
spend "waiting for the paint to dry"
is spent "painting something else" !!
I like to let my stained pieces dry overnight
before I begin handling them and
painting details.
The stain stays tacky for a few
hours, and I don't like getting the
oil-based stain on my bare fingers,
nor do I like leaving sticky fingerprints
in the surface of my paint.
Been there, done that, it isn't great.
So.  I wait.

For the base, I made a quick
pattern of the words HAPPY FALL!
and then centered them on the
side of the base and transferred the main
pattern lines with a stylus and transfer paper.

My eight year old asked me why
I wrote "Happy Fall" and not "Happy Halloween".

 Good question, Little Man.
The answer is simple:
 "Happy Halloween" just wouldn't fit on the board.
I outlined the main pattern lines with black
acrylic paint and a round brush.

Then, to give the letters some oomph, I used
my liner brush and white acrylic paint to
highlight the right and lower sides of each letter.

For the Frankenmonster, I painted the hairline
with black paint, and added scars and
small stitches with my liner brush.

The eyes are dip dots of black
(I used a paintbrush handle), the smile
is a curved line made with the liner brush.

I blushed the cheeks with
pink powder blush and a cotton swab.
 I painted two 1/2" button plugs gray,
and attached them to either side of Frank's neck
to serve as bolts holding his head on.
Poor guy!!  Still cute, though.

TIP: I'm actually making multiple sets of these
Halloween characters, so in order to paint
all the button plugs at once
(gray for the bolts, green for the noses)
I used masking tape:

For the Mummy, I used gray acrylic paint
to apply the wrap lines with a liner brush.

The eyes, eyebrows, and smile are black.

For the Jack-o-Lantern,
I painted a small wooden spool
for the pumpkin stem, and a heart-shaped
cut-out for the leaf.
(Ignore the unpainted triangles in
the photo ... I had a better idea!) 

I was trimming the points
off a wooden star, and realized they
were the right size and shape
to be candy corn ...
... I thought that would make for a
much more fun nose!  And noses should
be fun, as a rule.

After painting the candy corn shapes,
I used a sanding block to sand the edges
of each piece of candy.
I just like the sanded-edge look ...
here's a photo of some
un-sanded candy corn and some sanded
candy corn, side by side:

See??  The sanded corn is more interesting.
And noses should be interesting, as a rule.
So now we agree noses
should be fun and interesting.

I blushed his cheeks with pink powder
blush and a cotton swab,
dotted his eyes with a paintbrush handle,
and gave him eyebrows and a
big smile with a liner brush.

Now to secure your characters
securely to the base ... you'll need
a power drill, a dowel, and something to
trim your dowel with.
I used Midwest Products Easy Cutter
Ultimate.  It's amazing.
 Using a 1/4" drill bit,
drill a hole into the bottom center
of each block character.

 Determine where on the base you want
the Jack-o-Lantern to sit;

(Sorry - this pic is for the mummy,
but I got so excited about this technique, 
I completely forgot to take a pic)

Once you have Jack centered on the
base, tip the block back and
place a screw with a large head into the hole -
(the screw will be flat against the
base, and the screw head will be 1/2 in
the hole you've drilled, and the
other half will make an impression when
you tap the block with a mallet).

Press Jack back down into
place, over the screw, and use a
rubber mallet to tap gently on Jack,
leaving an impression in the base.

Did ya get that??
Easier done than said, really.

Drill a hole into the base,
using the impression as your mark.

Put a drop of Tacky Glue into the
hole you've made in the base.  Insert
a 1/4" diameter dowel into the hole
and tap the dowel with the rubber mallet
to make sure it's secure.

Trim the dowel.

Add a few more drops of glue
before tapping each piece in place.

Repeat for each character.

There!  Quick and easy, right??

~ Peace and Happy Halloweenies ~


  1. I love your crafts!! just a question - when you use pink powder blush for the cheeks, how do you stop it from coming off of the craft? do you seal it on there?

  2. Yes, ma'am! I use a multi-purpose sealer after all my painting is finished and before I do any linework with a marker ... that seals the blush nicely!! :)


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