
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Easy Gift Idea

Okay, so there's always a story behind
each of my projects.  Here's
the story behind this particular gift idea:

One day, I cooked for the teachers.
All of them.
Just to let them know how much I appreciate
them.  And if they know me at all,
they know if I've actually cooked for them,
they have a truly special place in my heart.
Because I don't like to cook.

So to make a long story short,
one morning at precisely 10:30 am
(actually, I was running late,
because I underestimated the cooking
time for the Tetrazzini)
So ... at precisely 10:57 am,
I deliver the following items to the
school's teacher's lounge:
One crock pot full of spaghetti noodles,
(I added olive oil to keep them from
sticking together and becoming one giant,
oval-shaped four-pound blob of pasta)
One crock pot full of pasta sauce and
meatballs (more on that another day)
one giant double-batch of my
homemade Chicken Tetrazzini
(recipe to come soon ... I promise)
one extra-large pan of mixed greens,
several containers of salad extras
like cherry tomatoes, chopped green onions,
black olives, banana peppers, bacon bits,
and croutons,
one cruet of freshly-mixed salad dressing,
one double-batch of Hershey's
amazing brownies, and one batch of
fresh, homemade Lemon Bars.
(mmm ... wish I had one right now!)

So anyway, after the lunch I got
several recipe requests.  One teacher in
particular, wanted my salad dressing recipe.
Well, guess what, that was just
an envelope of seasonings that I added
a few extra ingredients to.

Her birthday is this weekend,
so I decided to gather a few salad dressing
fixings together for her and give
her the gift in a big red (salad) bowl.

 Just to be clever,
and also because I always have to paint
something, I decided to add a little
Italian guy hanger to her basket.  I used
the kitchen towels that I'd purchased
as a pattern for my hanger.

 Isn't he cute??
Such a happy guy.  I'll bet my family
wishes I was this happy
when I was in the kitchen cooking.
Since with a family of six, it seems like
I am, literally, always in the kitchen cooking.
Not that I'm cranky, mind you.
Well, okay.  Maybe cooking makes me cranky.
Sometimes I make a little drinky
to make me less cranky while I play cook.y.?

First, I made a pattern from the kitchen
towel that I'd purchased.
I just wanted to stick with a "theme"
and apparently, my "theme" is "happy cook"

Please enjoy the following
photos without commentary:

I purchased the olive oil and the vinegar
that I use for this dressing,
and I added a cruet and about ten packets
of dressing.  Two kitchen towels,
one big salad bowl, and a little hanger with
a happy chef ... and "Happy Birthday"
stamped on the back.

Peace.  And Happy Birthday, Mrs. Lee!!


1 comment:

  1. It's really easy gift idea...I wish to keep it in mind and will use if i need it when designing Gift Card envelopes.


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