
Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog Hop ~ Cousin(R) Slide Bracelet

Today's Blog Hop features the
easy-to-make slide bracelet from Cousin(R)!

Cousin(R), a wholesale division of Enterprise Art
(which has been family owned for 40 years),
has a new slide bracelet line available 
in JoAnn stores now!

This line consists of precut lengths of bicast
leather in several colors, and unique metals accents and
spacers that simply slide on ... then
each bracelet is finished with 
silver or gold end closures that are
~ oh so simply ~ glued on!!

Immediate gratification!
Happiness in a flash!
Now that's exactly what I'm looking for!


The video shows you just how easy
it is to make your own
slide bracelet ... here are some
step-out photos that I wanted to share:

Choose your metal accent(s), end closures,
and precut bicast leather strap.
Remove the spacers from the strap.

Simply slide your metal accent onto
your strap, and replace the spacers.

Use glue (E6000 and Amazing Quick Hold
are both good adhesive choices) to attach the end closures.

Allow to dry thoroughly.

Make an original piece for every outfit!
What a magnificent idea!   Mother's Day is
right around the corner ... I'm already drooling
over all the great metal accents to choose from!

Loop through the Designer Connection
Blog Hop ring to see what other
amazing slide bracelets you can create
with this new line from Cousin(R)!

~ Peace and Flash Happiness ~

1 comment:

  1. Great tutorial Megan. Your design reminds me of chevrons


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