
Monday, April 1, 2013

DCC Blog Hop - Handmade Flowers!

April's theme is
~ Handmade Flowers ~
and as an additional challenge,
handmade flowers using items found
in or around the house.


Four growing children means I have
a plethora of outgrown clothing
at any given time.  I thought this challenge
would be the perfect time to use
that pair of old jeans I'd set aside!

 Supplies Needed:
old jeans ~ scissors ~ needle and thread
paintbrush ~ permanent marker ~
~ assorted buttons ~
~ green tulle ~ flower stencil or cookie cutter ~
~ DecoArt SoSoft Fabric Paint ~
~ DecoArt Glamour Dust
Ultra Fine Glitter Paint in Ice Crystal ~
~ Swarovski Crystals ~ E6000 ~

 First, cut along the seams on one leg
of the jeans.

 Use a flower stencil or cookie cutter to
outline flower shapes onto
your piece of denim fabric.

Cut out the flower shapes.

Choose several colors of
DecoArt SoSoft fabric paint.

Apply two coats of fabric paint
to each flower cut out.

 Apply glitter topcoat and
allow pieces to dry thoroughly.

Next, gather the fabric in the center
of the flower cut out
and stitch a button on to secure the fold.

Attach three buttons to the center
of each flower cut out.

~ Repeat for other cut outs! ~
Attach flowers to jacket or vest
for a little added pizazz! 
Hide your stitches behind the buttons.

Cut a length of tulle into a square.

Fold in half diagonally into a triangle,
then continue to fold and gather into a leaf shape.

Tuck tulle "leaves" behind the flowers
and secure with needle and thread.

Additionally, I used a single stitch
here and there to tack down
the flowers so they wouldn't curl.

 Attach Swarovski crystals to the
center threads of each button
with E6000 adhesive.

I added Swarovski crystals to the
center of each of the metal buttons
on the denim vest, just
for kicks.  And because the game was on
and I needed some busy work to do.

I enjoyed this challenge ~
I love that I was able to create something
fun and simple with items
I already had around the house!
Cost?  Zero!! :)

~ Peace and Happy "Recycling" ~


  1. These flowers are fabulous!!! I so want some for my jacket now...thanks for visiting sweetie

  2. This is a great project for my kids' group! I can see them on a bag or hat, too.


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