Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Barn Bathroom

A barn bathroom; a bathroom for a barn;
however you say it, the window needs a curtain.

Actually, this barn is pretty centrally seated on
one hundred and twenty acres of
... well, trees, actually ...
so really, it's pretty private just by location.

My daughter disagrees.
Something about "nature" watching
her when nature calls??

Nah, I actually see her point.
Even Bambi doesn't need to see all that. 
Besides, decorating is the fun part.
That's my story; and I'm sticking to it.

You may have noticed that none of these pics
actually shows the bathroom window
as the focal point.

Yea, I dunno.  I've been through
three different camera chips and clearly
I never thought the window was the
most interesting part of the bathroom ... until now,
and I don't have a direct photo of it.

I made the curtains anyway,
so this post will go on ... and I promise to
come back at a later date
(hopefully this evening)
and add a picture of the window.

Keeping in mind, if you will,
that nothing is completed yet EXCEPT
my curtains, and I can't hang
them in the window until the plumber
wraps up his business in that room
and the "cleaning crew"
does its thing.  

Actually, as the "" "" indicate, I have
more to say about this, but I'll save it for another post.

Moving on ... to curtains!!

I bought a fabric shower curtain,
and cut it right up the middle into two panels.
I pressed the edges to smooth them out.

Because yellow is my "pop" color in the bathroom,
( you know all about "pop" colors, right? )
I bought blanket binding in that color and pinned
it to the cut edges of each panel.
I sewed a straight stitch down the
outside edge of the binding,
and another straight stitch down the 
inside edge of the binding.
Then I pressed both panels again.
Picture of finished curtain panels.
For the window.
From a shower curtain.

Oh, and I'm making curtain tie-backs
with those nests and birds you see
in the photo ... up next!!


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